Peas with Honey

Peas with Honey

Here’s a silly poem my Popa used to tell all his grandchildren whenever we went for dinner.   Peas with Honey. A traditional nonsense poem.   I eat my peas with honey. I’ve done it all my life. It makes the peas taste funny. But 

Songs to Dance to.

Songs to Dance to.


I like the flowers

I like the flowers

  I Like the Flowers Traditional song, usually sung in a round.   I like the flowers, I like the daffodils. I like the mountains, I like the green hills. I like the fire stone. I like to walk alone. Doe waka doe waka Doe 

Hello Spring

Hello Spring

    Hello Spring Kylie van Dam   Goodbye winter, It’s time for you to go. The world has rested up. Now it’s time to grow. Hello Spring time, Your days so bright and long. You make us want to run outside And join your 

Days of the Week

Days of the Week

    Days of the Week Kylie van Dam   Monday, Tuesday, Ticky Ticky Tuesday. Wednesday stuck in the middle. Thursday, Friday, Time to say goodbye-day, The working week is done. Need to wriggle! Saturday Sunday, Those are the fun days, Sleeping in and hanging 

Arghhh, my tooth!!!!!

Arghhh, my tooth!!!!!

It’s time for the Wobbly Tooth song…if you’ve got any teeth to sing it with!       When I was thinking about making this song, this very famous man and his wobbly legs kept popping into my mind. He’s called Elvis Presley and lots 

Other languages

Other languages

If your ears can hear the difference between Dutch and English, let’s get them working on other languages too. Fancy some Chinese numbers? Here’s how you count from 0 to 10 in Mandarin (which is the most used Chinese language).

Oh No, I Need The Doctor!

Oh No, I Need The Doctor!

  Ziek Mini Disco, Dec 2018     Ik ben ziek, Mijn hoofd doet pijn. Ik moet naar de dokter. Wat zou het toch zijn? Ik ben ziek, Mijn buik doet pijn. Ik moet naar de dokter, Wat zou het toch zijn?   Dokter kijk 

Nederlands Reclames met Engels Slogans.

Nederlands Reclames met Engels Slogans.

Here’s your task: 7 English slogans you hear used in Dutch adverts. Write them in English, like I have below, then translate them, then write them three more times in English. Here are some I heard on the TV the other night.   Nissan Qashqai 

Playing the Cajon

Playing the Cajon

So…let’s get some rhythm going! Here are different teachers, in Dutch and English, giving lots of information about the Cajon and how to play it. If you don’t like their lessons, search and see who else you can find. It’s your music!!!!!!!