Some Interesting Reading.

Some Interesting Reading.

Here are some pages we will use in school, for reading out loud. And now some books and poems. The Ugliest Dog in the World. Bruce Whatley. Everybody sees my dog differently. My dad thinks she is the ugliest dog in the 

Tuning and Beats

Tuning and Beats

There are two really important things you need to get right when learning music: how to tune your instrument how to stay in time (on the beat)   Here are some links to help with that. If you’re not keen on these, go search for 

Nederlands Reclames met Engels Slogans.

Nederlands Reclames met Engels Slogans.

Here’s your task: 7 English slogans you hear used in Dutch adverts. Write them in English, like I have below, then translate them, then write them three more times in English. Here are some I heard on the TV the other night.   Nissan Qashqai 

Playing the Cajon

Playing the Cajon

So…let’s get some rhythm going! Here are different teachers, in Dutch and English, giving lots of information about the Cajon and how to play it. If you don’t like their lessons, search and see who else you can find. It’s your music!!!!!!!       

One lesson, two lessons.

One lesson, two lessons.

One lesson, two lessons. One song, two songs. One teacher, two teachers. One website, two websites. In English, when we have two or more of something, it’s calledĀ ‘plural’. We usually show the plural just by adding a ‘s’ to the end of a word. One 

How to play the ukulele

How to play the ukulele

So…Here’s how you’re going to learn to play the ukulele: a little bit of help from me each week, but mostly from You Tube at home. Below are two sets of teachers, one in Dutch and one in English. You can learn a lot from 

And Again…

And Again…

Sometimes leaning new things is boring. Or…it has boring moments. Here we can see how long it takes a man named Mike Boyd to learn how to…  

What Colour Is His Head?

What Colour Is His Head?

Let’s practice colours, body parts and his/hers.                                                                      

What is music anyway Miss?

What is music anyway Miss?

On this page we’ll slowly build up some information with the kids over the year.   Music notes on a piano and on paper.         Beats       Different Time Signatures/how many beats in a bar.       An exercise: 

Hoe veel zijn ze? In het Engels ‘tuurlijk!

Hoe veel zijn ze? In het Engels ‘tuurlijk!

Kijk hoeveel je kunt in het Engels tellenĀ . Misschien is het tellen zelf makkie, maar je hersenens gaan veel harder werken dan normaal! Geloof me!! See how many of these things you can count in English. The counting itself might be easy, but your brains