Pah! There’s No Such Thing as Gendered Inequality!

Ah, the sort of little ditty a person has to write when they stilllllll just can’t get their head around this stuff.
I mean…
Pah! There’s No Such Thing as Gendered Inequality.
Kylie van Dam
How did it come to be,
For a while I forgot what was plain to see?
How did it come to pass,
Still today we’re covering your…?
‘Cause you don’t know what you can’t see.
You’re a victim of the situation
Just like me.
Except that you’ve had lots of chances to know.
All the little chances when we told you!
Suck it up buddy take responsibility,
You’re in no way better or cleverer than me.
Open your eyes and see what you don’t want to see:
You’re brain-dead in the spotlight of the patriarchy!
So grow up buddy it’s time to understand.
You’re confusion’s quite embarrassing.
I want to hold your hand.
It’s not so very difficult and really clear to see,
Though you do some dishes now,
That’s not equality!
How did it come to be,
For a happy life amongst the stupidity?
How did it come to pass,
You made me so tired I forgot to kick your…?
‘Cause you don’t know what you can’t see.
You’re a victim of the situation
Just like me.
Except that you’ve had lots of chances to know.
All the little chances when we told you!
I’m no longer prepared to wait ‘till the penny drops.
‘Cause after 50 years I’m quite fed-up.
I took my eye off the ball,
That’s true.
Relentless disappointment can deaden the soul.
But after your recent articulations
I’m awake again,
Thank you!
How did it come to be
Your ears don’t work and your
Eyes won’t see?
How did it come to pass?
Is it simply more fun with your head still up your…?
‘Cause you don’t know what you can’t see.
You’re a victim of the situation
Just like me.
Except that you’ve had lots of chances to know.
All the little chances when we told you!
Suck it up buddy,
Just suck it buddy,
Suck it up buddy,
We’re bored!
Grow up buddy,
Grow up buddy,
Just grow up buddy,
It’s yours!