Author: Kylie van Dam

About Kylie

About Kylie

    Hi there, My name is Kylie van Dam and I’m an Australian living in Holland with my Ausie/Dutch husband and our three English born children. We moved here from the UK in 2010 in a now-or-never attempt to make the life we imagined 

A Lesson With Juf Kylie?

A Lesson With Juf Kylie?

      Muziek en Taal met juf Kylie This pages is a reference point for all the parents who’s children I teach and will be used in a small presentation.     Multi-layered job: English and music.     Why the two together? By 

What Colour Is His Head?

What Colour Is His Head?

Let’s practice colours, body parts and his/hers.                                                                      

11 november is de dag…

11 november is de dag…

The 11th of November is St Maarten! Here in Utrecht, St Maarten is the patron saint and his day is often celebrated by popular culture. Children make (or buy) small lamps, earlier out of sugar-beets or large root vegetables but now, out of paper, drawings, 



It was Book Week last month and the kid’s theme was Friendship. So… I wrote us a Friends song. Fancy a happy little sing-along? Come join in!   Unfortunately I made the silly mistake of printing out the words before I filmed it. Not my 

What is music anyway Miss?

What is music anyway Miss?

On this page we’ll slowly build up some information with the kids over the year.   Music notes on a piano and on paper.         Beats       Different Time Signatures/how many beats in a bar.       An exercise: 

Houten Hits the BBC

Houten Hits the BBC

What an exciting afternoon! A few weeks ago a journalist for BBC Radio 4 contacted me through this website. He was planning a trip to Utrecht the next day and had found The Guardian piece during research for an article on cycling. How would I 

The Ants Go Marching

The Ants Go Marching

An oldie but a goodie! Also works for older second language children, though please be careful when marching and thumb sucking. Many a soldier has come unstuck at that one! 😉 Thanks to Turtle Interactive.             And if you fancy 

Hoe veel zijn ze? In het Engels ‘tuurlijk!

Hoe veel zijn ze? In het Engels ‘tuurlijk!

Kijk hoeveel je kunt in het Engels tellen . Misschien is het tellen zelf makkie, maar je hersenens gaan veel harder werken dan normaal! Geloof me!! See how many of these things you can count in English. The counting itself might be easy, but your brains 

The Grand Old Duke of York

The Grand Old Duke of York

Here’s a classic English language children’s song… and after all these years the Duke still can’t decide what his men should do!   And here is the fantastic little film Teyl made of his lego Duke and soldiers. Super gedaan Teyl!