Author: Kylie van Dam

NL Cycling Association Magazine

NL Cycling Association Magazine

The Dutch Cycling Association loved the Guardian article too and wanted to have a world for their own magazine. So…a telephone interview and a seriously good photographer later, here it is.   For the none-Dutchies, here’s the best translation I could muster.   Cycling 

Skinny Little Chicken Legs

Skinny Little Chicken Legs

Finally, a film for this firm favorite. I dare you not to join in!   Skinny Little Chicken Legs Kylie van Dam   My Gran is a fan of a chocolate biscuit, A lovely cappuccino and a piece of pie. I am a fan of 

Row Row Row Your Boat

Row Row Row Your Boat

Here’s a firm favorite with the little kids. One never knows when a nasty crocodile might be waiting around the corner!        



Here’s a far-from-perfect rendition of a song all about getting out into the world. Lots of energy and attitude needed! I’ve tried to show the three ways in which a group of voices can be split and layered, so go get lots of kids up 

The Wheels on The Bus.

The Wheels on The Bus.

Group 1 and 2 are learning about traffic. Now, they’ll know it in two languages!  

You And Me Makes We

You And Me Makes We

Yes, well, not ‘wee’, but ‘we’! Alright, I didn’t quite think past naming this song for Dutch kids and forgot that English kids would read this title differently 😉 This is one of my very first songs and films, so the quality is not great. 

Pah! There’s No Such Thing as Gendered Inequality!

Pah! There’s No Such Thing as Gendered Inequality!

Ah, the sort of little ditty a person has to write when they stilllllll just can’t get their head around this stuff. I mean… really? Pah! There’s No Such Thing as Gendered Inequality. Kylie van Dam   How did it come to be, For a 

Houten: Living the Future Now.

Houten: Living the Future Now.

Yay!!!! Houten’s in The Guardian. But if you fancy a little more depth, here’s the original. Happy reading and if you think all this can’t be true, come visit. Houten awaits!   Before I’m out of bed in the morning, our 15 year old 

Museum Song

Museum Song

Here’s a nice piratey way to talk about history and museums. Kids can sing, dance, dress-up and even try a few split parts at the end if you fancy. A good toe-tapper for the end of term concert and mum and dad will curse the 

Winter Sun

Winter Sun

I know, I know, it’s spring in Europe…but winter’s on the way in Australia. This little slice of domestic gorgeousness works any time of year.   Winter Sun Kylie van Dam   On a lazy Sunday in the sun, The kitchen’s warm though outside It