Author: Kylie van Dam

Three Little Speckled Frogs

Three Little Speckled Frogs

Another English language classic! I first learnt this with my own children and we’ve been happily exclaiming ‘yum yum’ ever since. Enjoy!   Sooooo many speckles. We almost can’t see the frog (oh…maybe that’s the idea..!) Photo by Kuma Kum, Germany   And just because 

Big Kid Machine

Big Kid Machine

Well, here’s the song for a bit of cheeky attitude and the accompanying confident big sing that comes with it. Might need to guide them on actions for going to the loo though 😉

Wandering Through The Woods

Wandering Through The Woods

It was Book Week here in Holland and the national theme was ‘scary stories’. So, we now have some English vocabulary for that. The whole school sang this and had a excellent time. Ooooooo!

The Faith Song

The Faith Song

Something I’ve felt very strongly about since my own childhood education is the issue of faith in a secular society. I am not a faith holder, but I do of course have the same questions that all believers have: why are we here, what’s life 

Colour names in English

Colour names in English

Rats! I missed orange. Could you do that please mum and dad? Enjoy.  

Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes

Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes

Always a favorite!    

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Here’s a classic English children’s song. You can sing along with me or with A.J. Jenkins. Don’t forget your sparkling diamond fingers!    

Incy Wincy Spider

Incy Wincy Spider

Incy Wincy Spider Unknown   Incy Wincy Spider climbed Up the water spout. Down came the rain and Washed the spider out. Out came the sunshine and Dried up all the rain and Incy Wincy Spider climbed Up the spout Again.  

Old MacDonald Had a Farm (Explanation) and Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Old MacDonald Had a Farm (Explanation) and Old MacDonald Had a Farm

The first video here is intended for Dutch kids, so skip it if you don’t have that passport 😉