Author: Kylie van Dam

Months of the Year

Months of the Year

The most easy-peasy-Miss-M’geezy way to learn your months of the year. But don’t forget to give them CAPITAL LETTERS and spell them properly as well. February can be a tricky thing!    



  Horse Facts        

Gluren bij de Buren 2019

Gluren bij de Buren 2019

Wow! What a fantastic experience that was!! On the 6th of October 2019 Houten held an arts festival called ‘Gluren bij de buren’, which is a name taken from a Dutch expression meaning to ‘peek into your neighbor’s house’. So, fifty private homes opened their 

A Better Day

A Better Day

When we’re teenagers, even for the kids who don’t notice it at the time, music seems to play a vital role in our developing psychological landscape. I have friends with no connections to music as adults but who’ll jump up at a party when something 



The human condition seems to involve quite a bit of getting things wrong so that we learn how to do it right. And that can leave a bad taste in the mouth if the lessons were hard won. So, here’s my little country song about 



So…how’s life? Bit busy? As in…too…!!!! It’s quite the trend. But why? What makes us the questing animal? Why are we always at least a little dissatisfied and why do we always push just that bit further? I mean, it’s great and I’m not complaining 



A few years ago we were on a gorgeous holiday with family in friends in far-flung places and oddly, I found myself writing this song. I didn’t set out to write about the smells and tastes of the spaces we make, how fragile their balance